

Charles Dickens “Great expectations”

“Great expectations” by Charles Dickens is the story of a boy from a poor family who was lucky enough to become independent and to find their place in high society. The plot of the novel is filled with vivid landscapes of London during the reign of Queen Victoria and stands out for its wit.

Image result for Charles Dickens "Great expectations"

This is the most popular of Dickens. A number of theater productions and film adaptations of books, there are hundreds, the first of which viewers could see in 1917. The latest Hollywood adaptation from British Director was released in 2012.


The novel “Great expectations” was written in his Mature creative period of the author. Reviewers and critics often focus on a careless, secured and empty life of gentlemen, which the author compares with the generosity and humility of the existence of the families of the workers, or with the stiffness and coldness of the aristocrats.

The main character, unselfish and kind, such an honest and kind man having a hard time in the society of rich people. The character of Abel Magic demonstrates the nightmare the burden of unfair laws and unfair procedures established corrupt officials, which become the cause of the decline of the human spirit.

If you read the novel “Great expectations”, it is noticeable that the book has elements of autobiography writer. Dickens invested in the novel himself, diluting the story with their own thoughts and reasoning. Initially, the author wanted to make a tragic ending, but Dickens never gave preference to the hard ending, so I decided to change the plot of the book “Great expectations”.

Types of the novel in the work of Charles Dickens:

  • Gothic romance (the scene in the cemetery);
  • a secular novel (description of people of a higher class);
  • love story (the history of the relations between PIP and Estella);
  • detective novel (the book opens with a scene of escaping convicts);
  • social novel (the writer raises important social issues of inequality and child labor).

Historical significance

A book by Charles Dickens is a historical basis, where the writer managed as close as possible and accurately capture the foundations and traditions of British society of the 19th century. In the piece, the writer talks about the spheres of material and spiritual cultures. We can safely say that this work is an invaluable source for the study of various sectors of society, characteristics of life and a public life of people who lived at the time.

If you decide to read “Great expectations” online, the book will not disappoint you. After all, Dickens made a fascinating journey through the customs, rituals, and characteristics of the Victorian era.

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